Monday, February 25, 2013

Mamavation Monday

Today is a GREAT day. It has not felt like a Monday all day long. In fact it has felt like a Wednesday, or maybe even a Thursday. Like an "I can see light at the end of the tunnel even though it is actually a mile away"....kind of day. I stepped on the scale this morning, and had lost almost 2 lbs more. Bringing me up to a grand total of 12.6 lbs lost since early January. I am SO happy with this! It is propelling me further forward in my quest to take back my body!

I found out this morning that I had actually won a prize for my participation in the Anywhere5K yesterday. So not only did I get the extreme satisfaction of hitting a PR upon completion of the 5K....I won a pair of ProCompression socks! I have been eying those bad boys for a month! And now they will be mine. And they will be pink with Argyle! I am just thrilled!

Today I also finally applied for the Mamavation Mom boot Camp. This is my second time applying, and I would love your support. If you can, tweet "Hey ! I want to be the next Mom. She has my support " And if you have a free minute, you can view my video application HERE . Thanks for your continued support!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Writer's Block

I've been so bad lately at getting on here and writing. So I am here now. I've written and re-written this post 3 times now! I am still doing well with my weight loss and fitness goals. I've lost just a hair over 11 lbs now, and I am hoping to lose about 20-25 more. I decided the other day to go ahead and sign up for my first half-marathon. It is in December of  course, but I am SOOOOO excited about it.