Monday, December 17, 2012

Mamavation Monday

Today I am making a pledge. I am looking to join the Sistahood! I am super excited about pledging myself to this group of supportive women, and hope that they will have me. I have decided I need a little more support in getting myself healthy. I need to set a better example to my children, so that they can grow up and lead healthy lives as well. I never struggled with weight until recently. After having 5 children it is no surprise to have a few extra pounds hanging about. However, I must be honest, most of this excess weight is not baby-weight at all, but weight that was gained in living the life of a  stay at home mom who enjoys eating when bored. So it is time to get busy and shed these pounds and bad habits and hit the ground running, quite literally, into a new year and a new me!


  1. Welcome welcome! I think you'll really like being part of the Sistahood! Setting an example for the kids is SO important. My weight is very similar to yours... not the baby weight at all!

    1. Thanks so much for your support! And may be both find success in this new year!

  2. You can do this! Welcome to the sistahood - we're here to cheer you on!

  3. Welcome to the sisterhood. So excited for you to be part of this community and. We are here to support you in any way possible. have a great week
