Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mamavation Monday: New Year, New Me!

This week, on Tuesday, the kids will return to school and life will resume it's normalcy once again. I never rush these breaks, because, as much as I miss my fitness routine (And the cleaning routine as well!) when the kids are at school, I know these times are fleeting. This winter's break was mostly uneventful, we stayed home a lot more than normal, but we read books, watched movies, and cuddled a lot more than we had in past breaks. With the return to routine I am going to be sure to include my resolutions in our new routine for the new year.Unfortunately the routine this week will still be a bit off kilter, as Monday there is no school, and the boys have an audiology appointment on the other side of the state on Tuesday. So Starting Wednesday, it will be back to the new routine. Until then, I will continue doing short runs each day, and fitting in some core strengthening as well. Thus far, I have maintained my daily runs; though most have been brief with the kids being home.

So now that we are 6 days into the new year, what changes have you already begun? Do you feel a difference? Do you have a reward planned for when you reach you goals?  I am still trying to decide what I want to work towards. So far, I honestly just feel tired and week. I'm hoping to move past that next week. Wish me luck! 

I am also going to make this blog more exciting to look at in the coming week. I apologize for the lack of pictures thus far! I think I might also research how to include my workouts on here. If anyone has some blogger experience or tips they can share with me, please feel free to share them. I am still very new!

I know I mentioned it previously, but last week I was accepted into the Mamavation Sistahood. I am so very excited about this! The Mamavation Sistahood is all about helping moms lose weight in a healthy way. This is exactly what I need! I need the motivation, and I need the support to keep going with my running and exercise. I highly recommend you check out There is so much information on the site, whether you decide to pledge to the Sistahood or not. It's great!

This post is sponsored by Schick Intuition and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway.


  1. Congrats on joining Mamavation! Yes time is fleeting and one of my New Years Resolutions is to start enjoying the time with my kids more.... stop worrying about everything else. My biggest resolution though is to work on my time management skills so I can accomplish more and have more time instead of borrowing from tomorrows time.

    1. Thanks for your support! I think time management is an excellent skill to perfect! Bext of luck to you as well!

  2. Congrats on joining Mamavation! I just joined too - and I'm looking forward to us supporting each other!! :)

  3. I just joined Mamavation too for a little extra help with getting myself motivated. Sometimes the people in my real life are great but not like a community that is dedicated to overall healthy. Glad to be on the journey with you

  4. Congrats, I just joined as well!

  5. So glad to have you in Mamavation! :-) I hope you have an awesome week!
