I struggle with this question often. Am I a runner?
I love to run. I run to relieve stress. I run to lose weight. I run to make my body stronger. Am I a runner?
For a long time, I ran in whatever fit. Gym shorts, loose t-shirts, sneakers. I knew running shoes mattered, but I was not a brand savvy girl. I used to work at Sport's Authority during high school and college, so I had an idea of what running shoes were popular. But still, I stuck to the clearance racks because thrifty is in my soul!
As time went on I started picking up more running specific items. Moisture wicking clothing, a running belt, compression socks, Bondi Bands, headphones, Ipod, and running shoes that make it feel like I am running on pillows. Seriously! So now I look the part when I run. Am I a runner?
I joined a local running group called Moms Run This Town. They are wonderful. Look them up, there may be a chapter near you. It's free to join and you may never have to run alone (unless you want to) again! And if there is not a local chapter, you can start one! Ours is pretty active and we get together every so often to do group events. It's nice to have others to run with, discuss technique, aches and pains, etc. But being a group member doesn't really make a runner does it?
Many of my friends have been running 5K's, half- and full-marathons. So far I have not done a "real" race. Just virtual races, such as the Mamavation 5K I completed just yesterday. I did finally sign up for a 5K, a "real" one. But I decided at the last minute not to go. I had been told told 1700 had registered for the race and I chickened out. I was planning to run the race with my three oldest children running alongside me, while pushing my two youngest in the jogging stroller. Clearly I was not running for a PR. But I chickened out, and then was so disappointed in myself. I should have just gone! Only about 700 people actually showed up for the race! If I have never run a "real" race, am I a runner?
What is a runner? Who decides? I run because I can. I run because I love the way my hair feels with the wind brushing through it. I run because I love the taste of salty sweat on my lips. I run because of the adrenaline rush that grows stronger with each mile. I run to get out of my head. I run to stay healthy.
I run. I run. I run.
I am a runner.
This post is sponsored by Lifesize Portions and Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway.
You rock, Amy!
ReplyDeleteKick bootay on the ASL final
Love this...I think this often. When does one become a runner. After you hit a certain time? after so many races? when I can run the whole thing? Or is being a runner a state of mind? I am not there yet to consider myself a runner but maybe some day!
ReplyDeleteThat's a question I have asked myself tons of times - what classifies a person as a true "runner?"
ReplyDeleteLove this post!
Have a great week and thanks for the support tweet! :)